American International & Immigration Law PLLC “AIILAW” é nossa advocacia migratória para os EUA e selecionada para ser nossa patrocinadora na América Latina.
Por mais de 30 anos ela tem ajudado pessoas de vários países a receberem seus green cards por meio de sua participação em empreendimentos comerciais americanos criadores de empregos, trabalhando com empregadores para equipar seus negócios com os melhores candidatos possíveis e liderando trabalhadores estrangeiros através do complicado labirinto da imigração de negócios para realizar seus sonhos americanos. Trabalhamos em um acordo de taxa fixa com garantia de reembolso de 100%.
A Jobs & Visas USA representa a AIILAW no Brasil para o programas EB3 UNSKILLED, EB1, EB2 NIW, EB5.
American International
& Immigration Law
For more than 30 years, American International & Immigration Law, PC or “AII Law” has been helping people receive their green cards through their participation in job-creating American business ventures, working with employers to staff their businesses with the best possible candidates and leading overseas workers through the complicated maze of business immigration to realize their American dreams. We work on a fixed-fee arrangement with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Terms and Conditions
AII Law provides this website and its contents (the “Information”) for informational purposes only. The Information is not legal advice. Accessing the Information does not create an attorney-client relationship. The Information is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction of the Information is strictly prohibited.